Support one of our fundraising efforts:
*Help sell 50/50 raffle tickets during home football games
*Help sell smoothies or Rolling Cones Ice Cream during lunches on designated days
*Run or walk in the Kiwanis 5k Race in October of each year
*Gather a team to participate in Trivia Night
Join a Planning Committee:
We seek committed volunteers to help with planning:
*The overall PG Event
Your time commitment is as minimal or extensive as you wish. We’re very organized!
Donate a good or service
*We appreciate the generous support of retail establishments, restaurants and service providers who can help offset our costs. Gift cards are always a helpful resource!
Volunteer to help with Project Graduation:
*We encourage participants to
consider the all-night shift.
There’s no better way to pull an all-nighter!!
*We also need help prior to the event with set-up and at the very end of the event to help with take-down.