Project Graduation is a huge endeavor. It requires a tremendous amount of resources in order to put on a worthy event. We are so appreciative of the generous support of our sponsors and of our volunteers who give of their time. In addition, we seek donations to make the evening as enjoyable as possible for our graduates.
What teenager doesn’t like to eat?? Do you have connections to a restaurant that would be willing to donate a food item or maybe a gift card?
If you have a product or service that would benefit our event, such as food and beverage supplies, print services, decorations, things like that, we’re here to take those off your hands!
Do you have an item that would make a fun prize give-away? In years past, we have been able to raffle off sought after items like:
*Kayaks * electronics * bicycles * dorm room essentials * fishing gear * hammocks * gas cards * retail or restaurant gift cards
If you think a graduate would like it or could use it, we will happily accept it!! And, of course, we are always grateful for a financial donation of any amount!
We thank you for your support!